1. "Earth Heating Up at a Record Pace" in The
New York Times. June 8, 1998.
2. Unep.ch/iuc/submenu/infokit/fact21.htm "The Kyoto Protocol"
3. The Kyoto Protocol, Article 3. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
4. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland.
5. "Clean Development Mechanism" Article 12.2. http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/climate/ba/mechanisms.html
6. The Kyoto Protocol, Article 12. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
7. The Kyoto Protocol, Articles 3.3, 6, 12. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
8. "Issues Relating to the Kyoto Protocol" from course reader for
The Road to Buenos Aires: Controlling Climate Changes in the 21st
Century. Hum Bio 147 taught by Professor Armin Rosencranz and Professor
Stephen Schneider.
9. German Advisory Council on Global Change (GACGC). "The Accounting
of Biological Sinks and Sources under the Kyoto ProtocolA Step Forwards
or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?" Special Report
1998. Section 7.0. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/WBGU/wbgu_sn1998_engl.html
10. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland,
Section 4.1.
11. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland,
Section 2.0.
12. Stephen Ndore Mutimba. "Joint Implementation as a Technology Transfer
Mechanism" in Climate Change Policy Programme. African Centre
for Technology Studies (ACTS). March 1998.
13. Stephen Ndore Mutimba. "Joint Implementation as a Technology Transfer
Mechanism" in Climate Change Policy Programme. African Centre
for Technology Studies (ACTS). March 1998Section 2.4.
14. The Kyoto Protocol. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
15. The Kyoto Protocol.
. Article 12.
16. William G. Sombrek et al. "Amounts, dynamics, and sequestering of
carbon in tropical and subtropical soils" in Ambio (22), 1993.
pp 417-426. (Note: A GT = gigaton = 1015 g.)
17. S. Brown, J Sathaye, M. Cannell, and P. E. Kauppi. "Mitigation of
forests for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions" in Working Group
II, Second Assessment Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Cambridge University Press. Chapter 24.
18. German Advisory Council on Global Change (GACGC). "The Accounting
of Biological Sinks and Sources under the Kyoto ProtocolA Step Forwards
or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?" Special Report
1998. Section 7.0. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/WBGU/wbgu_sn1998_engl.html.
19. German Advisory Council on Global Change (GACGC). "The Accounting
of Biological Sinks and Sources under the Kyoto ProtocolA Step Forwards
or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?" Special Report
1998. Section 7.0. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/WBGU/wbgu_sn1998_engl.html
20. S. Brown, J Sathaye, M. Cannell, and P. E. Kauppi. "Mitigation of
forests for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions" in Working Group
II, Second Assessment Report, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Cambridge University Press. Chapter 24.
21. N. Myers. "The Worlds Forests and Their Ecosystem Services."
Chapter 12 in G.C. Daily, ed., Natures Services: Societal Dependence
on Natural Ecosystems. Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1997.
22. Albedo is the reflective quality of a surface. It varies with surface
color, the angle of incoming radiation, and the texture of the surface.
23. N. Myers. "The Worlds Forests and Their Ecosystem Services."
Chapter 12 in G.C. Daily, ed., Natures Services: Societal Dependence
on Natural Ecosystems. Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1997, p. 221.
24. N. Myers. "The Worlds Forests and Their Ecosystem Services."
Chapter 12 in G.C. Daily, ed., Natures Services: Societal Dependence
on Natural Ecosystems. Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1997, p. 12.
25. W.L. Gates. "Modeling the Ice-Age Climate" in Science.
Volume 191, 1976. pp. 1138-1144.
26. W.H. Schlesinger. Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change.
New York, NY: Academic Press, 1997. p. 79.
27. H. Dosso, et al. "The Tai Project: Land Use Problems in a Tropical
Forest" in Ambio. Volume 10 (2-3), 1981. pp. 120-125.
28. X. Xiao, et al. "Transient Climate Changes and Net Ecosystem Production
of the Terrestrial Biosphere" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles
12(2), 1998. pp. 345-360.
29. R. Condit, et al. "Changes in Tree Species Abundance in a Neotropical
Forest: Impact of Climate Change" in Journal of Tropical Ecology,
12 (part 2). pp. 231-256.
30. R. Condit, et al. "Changes in Tree Species Abundance in a Neotropical
Forest: Impact of Climate Change" in Journal of Tropical Ecology,
12 (part 2). pp. 231-256.
31. E.O. Wilson. "Threats to Biodiversity" in Scientific American.
September 1989, pp. 108-116.
32. J.B. Hughes, et al. "Population Diversity: Its Extent and Extinction"
in Science. Volume 278, 1997. pp. 689-692.
33. S. Pimm, G.J. Russell, J.L. Gittleman, and T.M. Brooks. 1995. "The
Future of Biodiversity" in Science. Volume 269, 1995. pp. 347-350.
34. M.J. Ballick, et al. Tropical Forest Medical Resources and the Conservation
of Biodiversity. New York: Colombia Univ. Press, 1996.
35. N. Myers. "Environmental Unknowns" in Science. Volume
269, 1995. p. 358-360.
36. J. Houghton. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. Oxford: Lion,
37. IPPC. "Technologies, Policies, and Measures for Mitigating Climate
Change" in IPCC Technical Report 1.
38. For more about the hurdle rate, see http://web.mit.edu/smr-online/past/1995/smr3714.html
39. The Kyoto Protocol.
Article 12, 5(c). See also http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1997/global.warming/stories/treaty/index2.html
40. Biorn Stigson. "Attracting Northern Private Sector Investment for
Greenhouse Gas Reduction in the South" in Issues and Options: The
Clean Development Mechanism published by UNDP in 1998.
41. For more about elements for a successful CDM, see http://www.policy.com/go.asp?url=http://www.wri.org/wri/ffi/climate/cbf-cdm.htm
42. The Kyoto Protocol, Article 12.7. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
43. Jonathan B. Weiner. "Prices vs. Quantities: The Impact of the Legal
System" for The Yale Center on Global Change. Snowmass, CO. August
13, 1998. p. 58.
44. Jonathan B. Weiner. "Prices vs. Quantities: The Impact of the Legal
System" for The Yale Center on Global Change. Snowmass, CO. August
13, 1998, p. 9.
45. Jonathan B. Weiner. "Prices vs. Quantities: The Impact of the Legal
System" for The Yale Center on Global Change. Snowmass, CO. August
13, 1998, p. 51.
46. The Kyoto Protocol. Article 12.2. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
47. Russell Lee, James R. Kahn, Gregg Marland, Milton Russell, Kathryn Shallcross,
and Thomas J. Wilbanks. "Understanding Concerns about Joint Implementation"
prepared for The Joint Institute for Energy and Environment. Knoxville,
TN. October 1997. p. 24.
48. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland.
49. Russell Lee, James R. Kahn, Gregg Marland, Milton Russell, Kathryn Shallcross,
and Thomas J. Wilbanks. "Understanding Concerns about Joint Implementation"
prepared for The Joint Institute for Energy and Environment. Knoxville,
TN. October 1997., p. 24.
50. Russell Lee, James R. Kahn, Gregg Marland, Milton Russell, Kathryn Shallcross,
and Thomas J. Wilbanks. "Understanding Concerns about Joint Implementation"
prepared for The Joint Institute for Energy and Environment. Knoxville,
TN. October 1997., p. 31.
51. Russell Lee, James R. Kahn, Gregg Marland, Milton Russell, Kathryn Shallcross,
and Thomas J. Wilbanks. "Understanding Concerns about Joint Implementation"
prepared for The Joint Institute for Energy and Environment. Knoxville,
TN. October 1997., p. 28.
52. The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on the Clean Development Mechanism and
Sustainable Industrial Development Centre from 1-2 October 1998. http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/sd/unido/unido.html
53. Statement by Austria: COP-4, Agenda Item 5a (III) Clean
Development Mechanism http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/linkages/climate/ba/eu_cdm.pdf
54. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland,
Section 6.3.2.
55. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland.,
Section 6.3.2.
56. Independent auditors, or operational entities, are critical to most notions
of the structure of the CDM. It is important that all monitoring, measurements
and accounting be free of influence from parties with vested interests in
the outcome of any audit. These operational entities should perform third
party certifications. This would thus avoid conflict of interest.
57. Accurate monitoring and verification depend upon good accounting techniques
and procedures as well as solid baselines.
58. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland,
Section 6.3.3.
59. Michaelowa Axel and Michael Dutschke. "Interest Groups and Efficient
Design of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol."
Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the European
Society for Ecological Economics. March 4-8, 1998. Geneva, Switzerland,
Section 6.3.4.
60. The Kyoto Protocol. Article 3.3. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
61. The Kyoto Protocol. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf.,
Article 3.7.
62. The additionality requirement refers to the condition that all carbon
emissions reduction measures including the increase of sinks must be additional
to any projects that would have happened in the absence of any emissions crediting
system. Thus, in order to receive credits, the nations must prove that the
project undertaken to reduce carbon emissions would not have happened regardless.
63. This debate revolves around several issues that permeate general discussions
of both the CDM and the inclusion of LUCF sector changes within the Protocol.
For the purposes of this analysis, however, we will focus on the issues that
directly link the LUCF sector and the CDM.
64. Stephen Ndore Mutimba. "Joint Implementation as a Technology Transfer
Mechanism" in Climate Change Policy Programme. African Centre
for Technology Studies (ACTS). March 1998., Section 4.2.1.
65. Stephen Ndore Mutimba. "Joint Implementation as a Technology Transfer
Mechanism" in Climate Change Policy Programme. African Centre
for Technology Studies (ACTS). March 1998., Section 4.2.2.
66. Paul Hassing. "Catalyzing the Market for GHG Offsets: Jump-Starting
the Kyoto Protocol" for Netherlands Development Assistance. 20 February
1998. p. 8.
67. Paul Hassing. "Catalyzing the Market for GHG Offsets: Jump-Starting
the Kyoto Protocol" for Netherlands Development Assistance. 20 February
1998, p. 8.
68. Paul Hassing. "Catalyzing the Market for GHG Offsets: Jump-Starting
the Kyoto Protocol" for Netherlands Development Assistance. 20 February
1998, p. 7.
69. The Kyoto Protocol. Article 12.3b. http://www.unfccc.de/fccc/docs/cop3/protocol.pdf
70. Espen Ronnenberg. Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission for the Republic
of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations. "Sinks and the Clean Development
Mechanism." http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/journal/ronnenberg.html
71. German Advisory Council on Global Change (GACGC). "The
Accounting of Biological Sinks and Sources under the Kyoto ProtocolA
Step Forwards or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?" Special
Report 1998. Section 7.3. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/WBGU/wbgu_sn1998_engl.html.
72. The fact that the forests are clear-cut and then those lands reforested
suggest that at best the carbon emissions would directly offset each
other. However, in terms of climate change, the huge jump in carbon emissions
resulting from clear-cutting is vastly more detrimental to the environment.
The rapid regrowth of that same land can do very little in terms of mitigating
the effects of such a large dose of carbon into the atmosphere. This in conjunction
with the fact that those "reforestation offsets" are not being sold
in order to offset the original clear-cut, but rather to offset increased
emissions in another country or another sector. Finally, evidence suggests
that, in fact, the regrowth sink will never fully achieve the carbon absorption
of the original source.
Espen Ronnenberg. Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission for the Republic of
the Marshall Islands to the United Nations. "Sinks and the Clean Development
Mechanism " http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/journal/ronnenberg.html
74. Espen Ronnenberg. Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission
for the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations. "Sinks
and the Clean Development Mechanism" http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/journal/ronnenberg.html
75. Compared to a range of uncertainty from 0 to 7% for
other forms of CDM projects and absolute certainty with domestic source reduction
76. German Advisory Council on Global Change (GACGC). "The Accounting
of Biological Sinks and Sources under the Kyoto ProtocolA Step Forwards
or Backwards for Global Environmental Protection?" Special Report
1998. Section 7.1.3. http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/WBGU/wbgu_sn1998_engl.html.
77. Russell Lee, James R. Kahn, Gregg Marland, Milton Russell, Kathryn Shallcross,
and Thomas J. Wilbanks. "Understanding Concerns about Joint Implementation"
prepared for The Joint Institute for Energy and Environment. Knoxville,
TN. October 1997. Annex C-3
78. Russell Lee, James R. Kahn, Gregg Marland, Milton Russell, Kathryn Shallcross,
and Thomas J. Wilbanks. "Understanding Concerns about Joint Implementation"
prepared for The Joint Institute for Energy and Environment. Knoxville,
TN. October 1997. Annex C-4.
79. Espen Ronnenberg. Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission for the Republic
of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations. "Sinks and the Clean Development
Mechanism". http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/journal/ronnenberg.html
80. Wayne A. Morrissey and John R. Justus. Global Climate
Change. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress (IB89005 CRS
Issue Brief for Congress) updated October 14, 1998. p. 5.
81. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998. p. 5.
82. "Cool reception; U.S. warming proposal shelved" in The Stanford
Daily. November 4, 1998. p. 3
83. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998, p. 14.
84. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998. p. 13.
85. See www.globalclimate.org/mission.htm
86. See www.sbsc.org/globalwarming/
87. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the
Kyoto Protocol before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition,
and Forestry. March 5, 1998, p. 10.
88. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998, p. 18.
89. Even though a third of the Senate faced election contests in 1998, only
eight seats actually changed hands. Five change-overs were due to retirement
or election to another office, with no net gain or loss for either party,
while three incumbents fought losing battles in hotly contested elections,
resulting in a small, but significant party shift. Carol Mosley-Braun (D-IL)
lost her seat to a Republican. However, two Republicans, Al DAmato (R-NY)
and Dan Faircloth (R-NC), both lost their seats to Democrats. Hence, there
was an overall net gain of one seat by the Democrats. Even though they still
face a Republican majority in the Senate, the Democrats are in a much better
position, especially since the expectations of the Republican leadership far
exceeded the actual outcome of the 1998 midterm elections.
90. Wayne A. Morrissey and John R. Justus. Global Climate Change. Congressional
Research Service, Library of Congress (IB89005 CRS Issue Brief for Congress)
updated October 14, 1998., p. 12.
91. See http://scorecard.lcv.org/senate.cfm
92. "U.S. Leadership Needed On Global Warming Pact"
in The San Francisco Chronicle. October 17, 1997. p. A24.
93. Becker, Daniel. (Director of the Sierra Clubs Global-Warming Program.)
As quoted in an article by David Corn. "Will the President Listen to
Industrys Hot Air on the Global Warming Treaty? White House vs. Greenhouse"
in The Nation. October 13, 1997. p. 20.
94. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998, p. 5.
95. Keating, Raymond J. (Chief Economist for the Small Business Survival Committee
) "The Emissions Trading Shell Game" in www.sbsc.org/rw-gw.html.
October 1998.
96. Keating, Raymond J. (Chief Economist for the Small Business Survival Committee
) "The Emissions Trading Shell Game" in www.sbsc.org/rw-gw.html.
October 1998.
97. Keating, Raymond J. (Chief Economist for the Small Business Survival Committee
) "The Emissions Trading Shell Game" in www.sbsc.org/rw-gw.html.
October 1998.
98. George M. Woodwell and John P. Holdren. "The Climate-Change Nay-Sayers
are Wrong" in a press release article disseminated by email from Professor
Holdrens office at Harvard University.
99. Dr. Frederick Seitz. "A Major Deception on Global Warming" in
The Wall Street Journal. June 12, 1996.
100. Paul Edwards and Stephen Schneider (both of Stanford University). "The
1995 IPCC Report: Broad Consensus or Scientific Cleansing?"
1997. p. 8.
101. Paul Edwards and Stephen Schneider (both of Stanford University). "The
1995 IPCC Report: Broad Consensus or Scientific Cleansing?"
1997. p. 8.
102. Corn (See http://scorecard.lcv.org/senate.cfm),
p. 20.
103. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998, p. 15.
104. Yellen, Janet. Statement on the Economics of the Kyoto Protocol
before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
March 5, 1998.
105. WWF Press Release. October 20, 1998.
106. WWF Press Release. October 20, 1998.
107. See www.globalclimate.org.