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Governor Romer, what do you think are the two most important reforms necessary in public education today?

--Russell Jones
Denver, CO
The two most critical areas of reform are education content standards and assessments. Standards outline what a person needs to know and be able to do, subject by subject and grade by grade...Secondly, having standards is not helpful unless you measure against that standard and insist that the measurement be accurate...
--Gov. Roy Romer

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Do you believe that guns should be kept out of the hands of criminals and the mentally unstable?

Do you support background checks for those trying to purchase firearms?

Do you support closing loopholes that allow criminals to circumvent existing gun safety laws?

Do you agree that there should be extra protections for victims of hate crimes?

The Democratic Party strongly believes that our government's primary responsibility is to promote law and order. We are committed to fighting crime and illegal drug use -- particularly among our nation's children -- by building a criminal justice system in which criminals are caught, the guilty are convicted, and the convicted serve their time. We agree with law enforcement officials, however, that the best way to reduce crime and illegal drug use is to prevent Americans from engaging in these activities in the first place.

Gun Control: Working to Protect Communities from Violence
President Clinton: Working to protect communities from gun violence. More >>

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