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Governor Romer, what do you think are the two most important reforms necessary in public education today?

--Russell Jones
Denver, CO
The two most critical areas of reform are education content standards and assessments. Standards outline what a person needs to know and be able to do, subject by subject and grade by grade...Secondly, having standards is not helpful unless you measure against that standard and insist that the measurement be accurate...
--Gov. Roy Romer

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Do you think Social Security and Medicare should be protected for future generations?

Do you think it is irresponsible to jeopardize the future of Social Security and Medicare for a risky tax cut?

Do you believe patients and their doctors should make health care decisions, rather than HMOs and their accountants?

If a patient is injured or dies due to an HMO's failure to grant access to a specialist, should that patient's family be allowed to sue the HMO?

The Democratic Party is committed to helping all Americans live longer, healthier lives by ensuring universal access to affordable, high-quality health care. As part of this commitment, the Clinton/Gore Administration and Democrats in Congress have proposed enacting a real Patients' Bill of Rights to ensure that patients and doctors -- not HMO bureaucrats -- make health care decisions. Democrats are also determined to preserve and protect Social Security and Medicare.

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