order to understand the important role that existing tropical forests
have on the earths atmosphere and climate, some background information
on the carbon cycle may help. Terrestrial sinks of carbon, such as forests,
are in a dynamic state. They are a biological recycling system. Carbon,
in the form of CO2 is "captured" from the atmosphere
by plants in the process of photosynthesis. This chemical reaction provides
green plants with energy to fuel their growth and reproduction. About
half of the carbon uptaken by plants is rapidly returned to the surrounding
air through respiration. The remaining carbon is stored in plant tissues
in the form of carbohydrates. Microbial respiration -- the cashing in
of the stored energy -- releases another 45% of the original carbon
uptaken. The remaining carbon is allocated to plant tissues that decay
with varying speed. Ultimately, once vegetation decomposes or burns,
the carbon which was "borrowed" from the atmosphere is returned.
Some above-ground plant tissues live very long and/or
decompose very slowly. These tissues can essentially hold on to the
carbon for decades, centuries, or even millennia in rare cases. Ecological
factors such as moisture, PH, and temperature interact with specific
plant tissues resulting in these various rates of carbon recycling.
While some of the plant material is stored above-ground in bark, leaves,
and branches, other carbon is kept below ground in roots and humus material.
Below-ground carbon is frequently broken into organic carbon and calcium
carbonate (limestone). Organic carbon is carbon from living organisms
and is considerably more active than calcium carbonate a mineral.
Soil carbon is an important terrestrial component of the carbon pool,
accounting for between 700 and 3000 GT C.
(16) Unlike boreal forests
of the north, tropical forests have roughly equal amounts of carbon
stored above-ground and below-ground. (Boreal forests actually have
more carbon stored in the soils below the trees than in the trees themselves.)
Following is a table that shows the typical fate of carbon after its
assimilation by an ecosystem.
Process |
% of CO2 assimilated |
Time |
Photosynthesis |
100 |
Days |
Growth |
50 |
days-years |
Fast Decay |
< 5 |
Decades |
Slow Decay |
< 0.5 |
up to centuries |
Adopted from GACGC (see footnote 9)
forests worldwide are estimated to be a net source of emissions, due
largely to the conversion and degradation of forests in lower latitude
(17). Tropical deforestation is responsible for approximately
1.6 +/- 0.5 GT of carbon emissions per year, while fossil fuel emissions
account for approximately 5.5 GT. Together, tropical forests account
for 37 percent the global forest carbon, which in turn accounts for
46 percent of the global terrestrial carbon stock
In general, the conversion of tropical forests to cropland
results in between 56 T and 212 T of carbon per hectare being released
into the atmosphere.
(19) This variability represents the diverse types
of forest that are included in the term "tropical forest".
There are three greenhouse gas mitigation strategies
involving LUCF: conservation and management of existing forests, increasing
the amount of forest area, and management of forest products as fossil
fuel replacements or as long-term carbon stores.
(20) We have chosen
only to explore the first LUCF strategy in this paper. This is because
protecting existing forests, especially in tropical regions, creates
a significant set of positive externalities.
(21) Some of the ecosystem
services maintained by forests include:
- habitat protection for a vast number of species and
- soil conservation
- water purification
- maintenance of watersheds and hydrological cycles (including flood and drought control)
- nutrient storage and cycling
- maintenance of local, regional, and global climate
Ecosystem services that pertain to climate regulation are explored in more detail below. The loss of these services through deforestation has immediate feedback on the climate. Together, they make a powerful case for concluding that a ton of carbon entering the atmosphere because of deforestation has a greater impact on climate change than a ton of carbon from fossil fuel emissions. This biological evidence suggests stopping or slowing tropical deforestation should be a policy priority.
Changes in Albedo
albedo ratios in deforested lands are an example of a direct biological
feedback that impacts climate. Forests play an essential role in regulating
the energy balance of the planet.
(23) Surface albedo, a measure of a surfaces relative
"shininess", modifies the amount of solar radiation received
in that area. The higher the albedo ratio, the less energy is absorbed
in a region. Solar radiation which heats the earths surface converts
moisture into water vapor. This in turn causes water to evaporate, rise,
and fall as rain. When forests are degraded and albedo ratios rise,
less surface moisture is converted into water vapor. This leads to lower
rainfall, sparser vegetation, and decreased cloud cover. As a result,
less water is circulated and local and regional hydrologic cycles are
impacted. If all of Amazonia were deforested and converted to crops
and grasslands, the surface albedo would rise from 0.11 to 0.19 and
annual rainfall would decline by as much as 25 cm.
(24) Most disturbing is that this cycle is self-reinforcing.
When rainfall declines, the amount of vegetation declines. At one point
in the earths history, when total precipitation was approximately
14% lower than today, deserts expanded and the total amount of vegetation
on earth was significantly reduced.
(25) Cloud cover, which produces a net cooling effect
on the climate, is also reduced in this self-reinforcing process.
Changes in the Hydrological Cycle
As noted above, when forests are converted or degraded,
their role as water regulators is altered. Changes in land use on changes
in hydrological cycles are particularly acute in lower altitude countries.
In the Ivory Coast, rivers flowing from a primary forest released between
three and five times as much water at the end of the dry season, as
did rivers from coffee plantations.
(27) Even some of the most sophisticated
terrestrial/climate models do not consider the role of changes in the
hydrological cycle on climate.
(28) The link between decreased forest
cover and decreased water availability may also produce a positive (self-reinforcing)
feedback similar to the albedo effect. With decreased water availability
after deforestation, vegetation may be water-stressed, leading to further
reductions in forest cover. In a tropical moist forest plot in Panama,
a long-term drying trend is pushing 16 species of shrubs and treelets
toward extinction.
(29) These researchers found their study-forest "remarkably
sensitive to a subtle climate shift."
The Insurance Value of Biodiversity
forests contain a disproportionately large number of the worlds
species of plants and animals. Using very conservative estimates of
the number of species in rainforests, current rainforest destruction
destroys between 4,000 and 6,000 species per year.
(31) Genetically distinct populations are at an ever-greater
risk. In tropical forests, 1,800 populations per hour may be going extinct
due to deforestation.
(32) The planet is losing species at a rate between 100
and 1,000 the normal background rate of extinction.
(33) This lost genetic variability may substantially
alter the impact that climate change has on humans and ecosystems. Under
climate change, new breeds of crops, drugs, and chemical applications
will be needed to counter the negative impacts that a warmer planet
has on human health, agriculture, and the economy. Currently, one in
four commercial pharmaceuticals are at least partially derived from
tropical plants.
Biological diversity concentrated
in tropical forests serves as a pool of just
the type of novel biochemical formulas (genes) that will be required
to limit climates effect on humans and natural systems. On a warmer,
more crowded planet (such as might result from sea level rises and the
subsequent climate refugees), it is possible that disease outbreaks
will become more common.
(35) Certain major crops may become vulnerable
to new fungi and pests. In the 1970s, billions of dollars of rice crops
were eventually salvaged and an unknown number
of food emergencies averted when a gene from
a wild, forest rice was found to be resistant to the virus. Should climate
change occur, especially at a rapid non-linear rate, humanity will need
novel genetic combinations to combat climate-related problems. Without
active intervention, these answers may not be there when we need them.
Probability of Non-Linearity in Ecosystems
Climate change will likely proceed under enhanced CO2
in a non-linear fashion. That is, marginal increase in CO2
concentrations will produce varying degrees of climatic response. For
example, increased CO2 may be uptaken by enhanced plant growth
for a certain amount of time. Below certain levels of CO2
concentrations, there may be no obvious manifestation of a problem.
This may not continue indefinitely. Above a certain threshold level,
the assimilative capacity of the biosphere may be exhausted. Similarly,
changes in ocean currents may occur in step-wise fashion, producing
serious, unpredictable change.
Several non-linear climate change possibilities exist. Some
non-linear responses were noted above in the albedo factor and with
water cycles. These biogeochemical responses create conditions where
change begins to "feed" on itself. Other possibilities exist.
Some scientists have postulated that if large ice sheets melt, surface
albedo at the poles will decrease, heating up the land, and causing
more ice to melt. Other scientists have begun to evaluate how plant
physiology will respond to increased CO2 levels and higher
temperatures. It is estimated that certain plant communities will be
unable to adapt to these changes and may die off. Although this impact
will be greatest in temperate and boreal zones, tropical biomes are
also at risk. Forests will play a large buffering role in these fluxes.
Annual soil carbon turnover alone accounts for more than 10 times the
throughput of total fossil fuel emissions. Biomass, largely in the form
of forests and grasslands, is the dominant regulator of soil carbon.
It is likely that as we destroy the large green swath of forests around
the equator, the planets climate will respond unpredictably.
The Possibilities of Carbon Conservation in the Tropics
countries offer the most potential for forestry-based carbon conservation
programs. Countries in low latitudes are estimated to be able to conserve
or sequester between 45 and 72 GT of carbon between 1995 and 2050. This
is equal to the total carbon emissions of the world for approximately
7-12 years. Slowing deforestation is estimated to be able to conserve
10.8 to 20.8 GT of carbon for the same period. Clearly, forest conservation
has considerable potential as a mitigation strategy.