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Governor Romer, what do you think are the two most important reforms necessary in public education today?

--Russell Jones
Denver, CO
The two most critical areas of reform are education content standards and assessments. Standards outline what a person needs to know and be able to do, subject by subject and grade by grade...Secondly, having standards is not helpful unless you measure against that standard and insist that the measurement be accurate...
--Gov. Roy Romer

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(House of Representatives - June 23, 1999)

(Ms. HOOLEY of Oregon asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. HOOLEY of Oregon. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of our Nation's children. Our children are being denied basic educational opportunities.

As a former teacher, I know one of the most important challenges facing this country is improving our educational system. We need to expand opportunities, set rigorous standards so our children learn the basics before being promoted to the next grade. This is crucial to our country's social and economic well-being.

A talented and dedicated teacher must be in every classroom. Creativity and innovation in public education must be encouraged, while still holding them accountable for results. Every classroom and library should be connected to the Internet so all students can be computer literate and be prepared for the 21st century.

Finally, we need to make sure our schools are healthy places to learn. Next week I intend to introduce legislation to improve air quality in our Nation's school buildings based on an existing Environmental Protection Agency program. Our children must have a healthy learning environment.

Let us make the commitment not only to our children but also to the future of this great Nation, and make education our number one priority.

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